Sunday 4 December 2016

10 Reasons to Choose Carpet Flooring

Whether it’s a new home construction or just remodeling of your house or office, when it comes to flooring selection the number of choices can be overwhelming. Just walk into the flooring dealer showroom and you can be easily lost in different styles of flooring walking between the rows of beautiful and attractive sample collections. While each type of flooring will have some benefits for you to offer it’s very easy to make costly mistake going with a wrong type of flooring. That’s where you need to break down the benefits of each type in order to get maximum use out of your investment.

The following are 10 reasons to choose carpet flooring for your home or business in Redmond WA.

Carpet Flooring is Comfortable
If comfort is #1 on the list of your preferences you should consider carpet flooring. What other type of flooring can offer a touch comfort and softness as carpet flooring? Try relaxing in front of the fireplace on a hard surface and you will realize there is nothing like a good carpet installed with a cushion padding underneath so you can walk on with comfort or even lay down and take a nap.

Carpet Flooring Adds Decor
If you are looking to enhance appearance and add decor to your home or office carpet flooring offers endless opportunities with different patterns, colors and pile heights. Carpet flooring is your starting point to add decor to your interior. Carpet takes majority space of your interior and it is very important to pick the right style and color to go well with your decor.

Carpet Flooring Adds Style
Thinking about adding some style? If you choose wrong type of flooring it will be very difficult or sometimes even impossible to achieve the style you want. With hundreds of patterns and colors to choose from you can make flooring blend in with your furniture, with the wall colors or make it stand out and underline your design.

Carpet Flooring Adds Insulation
Carpeting is one of the contributors to the insulation of your indoor environment. Carpet flooring adds two layers of insulation protecting your dwelling from excessive heat during the summer and adding the warmth during the cold season. Consider carpet flooring to reduce your energy bills and bring comfort to your home or business.

Carpet Flooring Improves Acoustics
There is nothing like carpet installed with pad that absorbs waves of sounds within your room and improves interior acoustics. Carpet flooring absorbs sounds and eliminates echoes minimizing unwanted noises when walking on a floor. Consider installing carpet flooring in your home or office to improve interior acoustics.

Carpet Flooring Adds Safety
Safety is always #1 rule on the job and it should be the same in your home. The chances are much greater to slip-and-fall accidents on hard surface than on a carpeted floor. Carpet flooring is a great option to improve safety for everyone in the house or on the job.

Carpet Flooring is Cost Effective
In most cases carpet flooring cost less to install saving thousands of dollars for you at the beginning and spending less on maintenance overtime. However, there is very thin line between spending less at the beginning and savings you can get overtime. In order to get the most use out of your investment you have to consider time period you want the flooring to be in “like new” condition. Many homeowners will try to save money at the beginning getting less quality carpet and ending up replacing it two-three times sooner than expected. The fact is that significant portion of costs associated with flooring replacement takes labor and having saved a few hundred dollars on the material will cost thousands down the road.

Carpet Flooring is Beneficial for Your Health
Sounds unrealistic? Multiple research studies show that carpet flooring traps allergens, dust and various biological airborne contaminants otherwise casing serious health issues when breathed with on a daily basis. Carpet traps and holds these microorganisms until removed by regular vacuuming and deep cleaning if necessary. Consider installing carpet flooring for your home or business to improve air you breathe and get benefits of clean air.

Carpet Flooring is Easy to Maintain.
Maintaining carpet is easy and is less labor intensive than maintaining hard surface flooring and therefore saving time and money on it as well. As a rule of thumb you need to vacuum carpet at least once a week for proper maintenance and for clean air. But, of course, it depends on the traffic and it might need more frequent vacuuming in higher traffic areas. If you don’t like the idea of swiping and mopping your hard surface floors carpet flooring is your #1 choice.

Carpet Flooring Contributes to Sustainability
Like no other flooring carpet contributes to sustainability practices which helps with reductions of air pollutions which has been major concern of global warming today. Carpet industries have introduced new technologies to recycle old carpet and pad into a new carpet and other products. Recycling old carpet minimizes the need to acquire raw materials and as a result preserves natural resources for future generations. Carpet recycling grows significantly every year and is being used to produce thermal energy in waste-to-energy plants and significant percentage of carpet diverted from the landfill is being recycled into a new products. According to Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) out of 3.7 billion pounds of carpet discarded in 2013 fourteen percent was recycled into new products or has been used to produce energy. This figure is equivalent to taking 40,822 cars off the road or powering 17,692 homes for one year according to CARE. Consider buying carpet flooring to contribute to sustainability practices.

To get your carpet flooring in Bellevue WA or Seattle WA contact Home Floors & Remodel now! Give us a call 425-405-3647!

For more details, stay social profile with us on Facebook and Google+

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Five Reasons Why Carpet Flooring Should Be Given Another Chance

Hardwood has been the number one choice of flooring for several years. However, if you have seen a few carpets in showrooms today, it is not hard to understand hardwood’s dominance is not as solid as it used to be once.

Leading home floor remodel service Home Floors & Remodel, say carpet is increasing in fame because latest improvements make it hold up to stains and traffic much better compared to their older counterparts.

So, if you are looking for a smart alternative to hardwood flooring, here are a few great reasons to pick carpet flooring in Redmond WA.

It is softer:
While nylon carpets are best known for their stain resistance etiquette, the 6th generation nylons, are the softest yet. They are composed employing an exceeding number of smaller diameter, toe coding textiles per square inch.

It is cheaper:
“Financial difficulties are encouraging people to have a 2nd look at carpet,” says a spokesperson of Home Floors & Remodel. You can set up a top-quality carpet flooring about half the price of hardwood.

It is quieter:
Want to maintain a calm environment in your home? Certainly carpeting is the option! Carpeting is an excellent sound blocker and it is one of he most competent building materials accessible when it is about soaking noise. With a noise diminution coefficient of  40 to .50, carpet simply surpasses hardwood’s  noise diminution coefficient of .05 to 015.

It is prettier:
Carpet flooring has lots of options: different kinds of yarns, hundreds of patterns, colors, tone-on-tone prints – just about anything you could cream. And that is a great news for those people who loves their home to articulate their personality.

It is woollier:
The wool & sisal carpets of nowadays are environment friendly options for carpet lovers. They’re more eco-friendly and contain low-VOC compared to their all-natural fibers & non-toxic dyes.

So there is no reason not to pursue your heart’s feeling for foot-soothing console,and pick carpet over hardwood.

For professional carpet flooring in Seattle WA or  Bellevue WA, contact  Home Floors & Remodel now! For any help, reach us at 425-405-3647!

For more details, stacy social withus on Facebook and Google+

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Top Benefits of Carpet Flooring for your Home in Everett, WA

Why Carpet Flooring?

Carpet Flooring is an ideal choice for comfortable, cost effective flooring solution. When it comes to replacing or installing new carpet flooring in your home, rental or office, at Home Floors & Remodel you will find variety of flooring options. Carpet flooring offers a number of benefits for your home or office.

Carpet flooring

1. Provides Comfort
Carpet flooring adds comfort and style to your home or to your office. With softness and comfort of carpet installed in your home you will enjoy spending time with your family and friends, or simply relaxing and enjoying softness under your feet.

2. Reduces Energy Bills
Carpet flooring provides extra layers of natural insulation to your flooring and warms up entire house reducing energy bills.

3. Improves Air Quality
Carpet flooring improves air quality by trapping and reducing common household particles from a breathing zone. Proper cleaning and regular vacuuming of your carpet will remove the particles from the carpet keeping the breathing zone clean and improving the indoor air quality.

4. Provides Assurance of Safety
Installing carpet flooring in your Everett home provides you with a safe flooring option to walk on. Soft and cushioned carpet flooring reduces the impact of a fall and proves to be slip-resistant. Carpet flooring assures you of providing a safe space for your family and loved ones, especially for a family with kids and elderly people and for people with disabilities.

5. Reduces Noise

Carpet flooring absorbs excess sound waves, which helps in reducing the transfer of noise within and between rooms. By installing carpet flooring you will reduce the sound of foot traffic and other sounds and echoes.

6. Proves to be Cost-Effective
Compared to other flooring options carpet flooring is going to be the most cost-effective flooring solution for your home in Everett. Carpet flooring is less expensive in terms of installation, cleaning and maintenance.

7. Ease of Care
Modern carpet manufacturing technologies use stain resistant fibers which makes cleaning process easy and hassle free. A damp cloth is all what it takes to remove about any type of stains from the carpet flooring. Regularly vacuuming and steam cleaning every 12 to 18 months, depending on foot traffic, will increase a lifetime of your carpet flooring and will assure you of clean air.

Carpet flooring

At Home Floors & Remodel you will find large selection of carpet flooring for your home or for your business in Everett, WA. Come to visit our showroom to find large selection of carpets and get professional advice from flooring experts for your perfect flooring solution. At Home Floors & Remodel you will find large selection of carpet flooring from Shaw, Mohawk, Dreamweaver, Kraus and other carpet mills that are soft, comfortable, durable and stain resistant. You will also find here a reliable and experienced carpet installation services for your home or business at an affordable price.

Call us today at 425-405-3647 or visit our showroom to find carpet flooring, commercial carpet or carpet tile in Everett, WA.